You want to follow closely the innovations being implemented in fashion and beauty to put an end to animal exploitation? This file, gathering all the Boudoir Numérique articles on this subject, is made for you.
By Ludmilla Intravaia
While, under pressure from animal rights associations and from a part of the general public increasingly aware of their sufferings, brands and luxury houses are giving up, one after another, fur, leather and materials from animal exploitation, Le Boudoir Numérique has gathered, in this special feature on innovative fashion and beauty, all the articles likely to help its readers to change their consumption habits towards vegan and cruelty free products, animal friendly.
This file is not intended to be exhaustive, it is a work in progress as Le Boudoir Numérique globally deals with the links maintained by fashion and beauty with technology, innovation and digital, in particular from the point of view of sustainable development and respect for the environment and all sentient beings, human and non-human. Nevertheless, in a world where the devaluation of animals to the rank of objects exempt from rights is matched only by the oppression of which they are the victims, what is the point of studying the advances of science and technology, if this not to end their organized abuse by our hedonistic society?
This is the reason why this dossier will regularly be supplemented with articles on new innovative initiatives, developed as an alternative to animal based materials, as well as on the launching of vegan and cruelty free fashion and beauty products, not to mention interviews with experts and representatives of animal protection associations, likely to feed our thinking and our actions on a daily basis.
* Poétique Paris
Poétique Paris is a French brand, created in 2017, which revisits the iconic pieces of the feminine wardrobe, in particular the biker jacket, in apple and grain alter-leathers.
(Update on September 7, 2022: this brand is not in activity anymore)
©Poétique Paris
Pauline Weinmann, co-founder of Poétique Paris, October 1, 2019, in Paris (©Lionel Samain for Le Boudoir Numérique 2019)
* Woowe
Woowe is an Italian brand, created in 2017, which offers a collection of shoes in wood and cork alter-leathers.
Woowe ©Le Boudoir Numérique
* MoEa
MoEa is a French brand of bio sneakers, launched in 2021, that offers sneakers in apple, corn, cactus, grape and pineapple alter-leathers.
MoEa sneaker in pineapple alter-leather (©MoEa)
- Interview with Achille Gazagnes, co-founder of MoEa:
Achille Gazagnes, co-founder of MoEa, on October 13, 2021, in Paris (© Lionel Samain for Le Boudoir Numérique 2021)
* Le Rouge Français
Le Rouge Français is a French make-up brand, created in 2018, based on a patented innovation in vegetal coloring.
©Le Rouge Français
- Interview with Elodie Carpentier, co-founder of Le Rouge Français:
Elodie Carpentier, co-founder of Le Rouge Français, July 2, 2021, in Paris (© Lionel Samain for Le Boudoir Numérique 2021)
* Sillages Paris
Sillages Paris is a French perfume brand, launched in 2017, which uses artificial intelligence to create personalized fragrances.
- Interview with Maxime Garcia-Janin, founder of Sillages Paris.
Maxime Garcia-Janin, founder of Sillages Paris, May 23, 2019, in Paris
# Mycelium (fungi)
* MycoWorks
MycoWorks is a biofabrication company, created in 2013 in the United States, which developed, among other things, the material Reishi Fine Mycelium, from mushroom roots.
- Interview with Frederick Martel, Senior Vice President Sales & Business Development of MycoWorks;
* Bolt Threads
Bolt Threads is a biofabrication company, created in 2009 in the United States, which developed, among other things, the material Mylo, from Mycelium, the roots of the fungus.
©Stella McCartney
* Adriano Di Marti
The company Adriano Di Marti, founded in Mexico in 2019, developed the nopal cactus alter-leather called Desserto.
- Article on the collaboration between Adriano Di Marti and H&M;
- Article about the collaboration between Adriano Di Marti and the French brand Bihotz;
- Article on the collaboration between Adriano Di Marti and VB Vegan Bags Paris;
- Article on the collaboration between Adriano Di Marti and Karl Lagerfeld.
* Frumat
The company Frumat, founded in 2008 in Italy, developed AppleSkin, using waste from the apple industry.
- Article on the collaboration between Frumat and Genny;
- Article on the collaboration between Frumat and Peurce;
- Article on the collaboration between Frumat and Ashoka Paris;
- Article on the collaboration between Frumat and Alénore;
- Article mentioning the collaboration between Frumat and Stella McCartney.
* Ananas Anam
The company Ananas Anam, created in 2013 in England, developed Piñatex, made from waste from the pineapple industry.
- Article on the collaboration between Piñatex and the drag queen A’Whora;
- Article mentioning the collaboration between Piñatex and Nike;
- Article about the collaboration between Ananas Anam and the French brand Oyan;
- Article on the collaboration between Ananas Anam and VB Vegan Bags Paris.
Instagram post of the drag queen A’Whora wearing a jacket made from Ananas fibers, on August 9, 2021 ©A’Whora
* Vegea
The Vegea company, created in 2016 in Italy, markets the innovative material of the same name, made from waste from the grape industry.
- Articles on the collaboration between H&M and Vegea:
- Article mentioning the collaboration between Vegea and Stella McCartney.
* Pangaia
The Pangaia company patented the FLWRDWN technology to create the material of the same name, made from wild flowers.
#Fermented proteins
* Modern Meadow
The biofabrication company Modern Meadow has patented the Bio-Alloy technology to develop the Bio-Tex range of vegan and plant-based materials, based on a combination of proteins and bio-based polymers.
- Article on Modern Meadow's collaboration with Senreve and Everlane.
* Natural Fiber Welding
The American company Natural Fiber Welding, founded in 2015, has developed Mirum, a mix of cork, natural rubber, vegetable oils, crop wastes such as rice hulls and other natural materials.
- Article mentioning the collaboration between Natural Fiber Welding and Stella McCartney.
The non-profit association PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an association for the defense of animals, created in 1980 in the United States.
- PETA's 2022 Vegan Fashion Award.
- Interview with Anissa Putois, communications officer at PETA France :
- Franziska Grein, science policy advisor for PETA France about the European Citizens' Initiative "Save Cruelty -Free Cosmetics” 2022.
GAIA is an association for the defense of animals, created in 1992 in Belgium.
- Interview with Michel Vandenbosch, president of GAIA, on the occasion of the campaign Poule de Luxe, in 2021:
Michel Vandenbosch, president of Gaia, August 6, 2021, in Brussels (© Lionel Samain for Le Boudoir Numérique 2021)
* Marie-Claude Marsolier
- Interview with the biologist Marie-Claude Marsolier, author of the book Le mépris des “bêtes”, un lexique de la ségrégation animale (Contempt for “beasts”, a lexicon of animal segregation), published in 2020.