The Parted art project highlights the atypical beauty of Japanese artist Mari Katayama, in a video produced by body tracking and projection mapping, in which is taking part Paul Lacroix, artistic engineer on the virtual makeup Omote project in 2014.
By Ludmilla Intravaia
Body tracking and projection mapping have no secret for Paul Lacroix. The artistic engineer, who had already participated in the Omote video of virtual makeup projected on the face of a model in 2014 (read his interview to Le Boudoir Numérique here) is coming back with the artistic project Parted, based in Tokyo.
Paul Lacroix, Creative Technology Director on project Parted, in Paris, March 15, 2015 (© Lionel Samain for Le Boudoir Numérique 2020)
In a video published six days ago on Vimeo, the Parted team is using projection mapping, augmented reality technology enabling videos to be projected on volumes, combined with body tracking, the optical capture of body movements to sublimate the beauty of Japanese artist Mari Katayama, outside the normative codes of traditional aesthetics. Check out the Parted video below.