Third part of the test logbook of a pair of vegan and low-carbon sneakers from the French brand MoEa (still approved by the quality controller of Le Boudoir Numérique, Mr. Spock).
By Lionel Samain and Ludmilla Intravaia
MoEA test: the opinion of Lionel Samain, DA of Le Boudoir Numérique (from March 22 to April 15, 2022):
“True to my promise, I continue to wear MoEa's GEN1 All in sneakers daily. The hardships they endure are substantially unchanged: trampling, long walks, bicycle or Vespa races through Paris. An episode of torrential rain, which I couldn't escape, made it possible to test their impermeability. Result: nothing is bound to the impossible, except rubber boots… My feet came out slightly damp, but it was not the berezina all the same. So everything is normal. Now, the temperatures have warmed up and frankly, it doesn't change their comfort, the shoes breathe well. As for the grape leather that makes up most of the shoe, it does not move. It resists daily activities without showing any scars or wear (with the exception of two small nicks left by the claws of Mr Spock, my cat, as I mentioned previously, in the first part of this test). The grain of the material remains present and discreet. However, after 60 days of treading the Parisian asphalt and venturing into muddy parks, I must admit that their main color does not make lie the sartorial adage: “White must be earned!” Thus, visiting the Veggie World show on April 2 and seeing the MoEa team on its stand, I was kindly pointed out that a little spring washing would not be a luxury. According to the recommendations of Achille Cazagnes, co-founder of the brand: water, soap and a sponge… as for the laces, a ride in the washing machine and the sneakers regain their full immaculate appearance. Indeed, he was not wrong. I used soapy water (soap for cleaning dishes), as well as a toothbrush (not mine), in order to clean all the parts of the shoes.”
“My efforts were rewarded. And they allowed me to see that once again the materials held up. Under the dust, I did not observe any unusual wear marks. For example, there wasn't any excessive fatigue at the crease of the shoe (you know, just below the laces, where the sneaker bends, in order to allow walking). The grape leather also shows no signs of drying out, which I would have expected from an animal leather shoe worn daily and subjected to the weather without any maintenance.”
MoEa sneakers, in April 2022, after their spring washing (© Le Boudoir Numérique)
* Find the unboxing of the GEN1 All in by MoEa, in the first part of Le Boudoir Numérique logbook.
* Find the first feedback from Lionel Samain, after 7 weeks of wearing the sneakers, in the second part of Le Boudoir Numérique logbook.
* Read the first part of Achille Gazagnes’ interview on Le Boudoir Numérique: “MoEa defends plant-based materials, for the respect of animal life and the environment”.
* Read the second part of Achille Gazagnes’ interview on Le Boudoir Numérique: “MoEa’s values are highly anticipated on the sneakers market”.
* Learn more about innovative vegan and cruelty-free fashion and beauty, by exploring the Boudoir Numérique special file there.