Artificial intelligence, neuroscience, cybernetics ... augmented creativity is invited to Centre Pompidou, in Paris, in the exhibition "Neurons, simulated intelligences", until April 20.
By Ludmilla Intravaia
It’s time for the fourth edition of the Centre Pompidou's “Mutations/Creations” program on arts and science. Opening today in Paris, the exhibition “Neurons, simulated intelligences” is proposing to contextualize artificial intelligence (the discipline aimed at making machines capable of simulating intelligence), in the more general context of neuroscience history (the scientific study of the nervous system). Articulated around five axes, the brain, the logic of games, cybernetics, extended minds and deep learning, the event places neuroscience and AI in perspective with the work of artists inspired by these technologies, in a creative and critical approach (images below : © Le Boudoir Numérique).
The exhibition is a unique opportunity to discover historical pieces like this replica of the installation Colloquy of Mobiles, created in 1968 by cybernetics pioneer Gordon Pask (photos below : © Le Boudoir Numérique).
This cybernetic sculpture represents male and female automata interacting together, in a game of seduction and rivalry.
Below, Blue Brain Project, simulation of a synthetic brain by reverse engineering.
In Brain Study (2009), the French visual artist Pascal Haudressy recreates the vital rhythm of the human brain in a looped video.
With the video Delusional Mandala (2016), the Chinese artist Lu Yang stages his avatars, in a kitsch and crazy world, dominated by artificial intelligence and new technologies.
Below, more pictures of the expo, which runs until April 20 this year (© Le Boudoir Numérique).
Finally, note that, complementary to the Neurons, simulated intelligences exhibition, in an annex room, one can see the visual installation Phase Shifting Index by Jeremy Shaw, whose work reflects the Canadian artist's interest in spiritual beliefs, neuroscience and subcultures.
* The exhibition "Neurons, simulated intelligences" takes place at Centre Pompidou, in Paris, from February 26 to April 20, 2020. More info here.
* The exhibition “Neurons, simulated intelligences” takes place within the framework of the “Mutations/Creations” program of Centre Pompidou bringing together, each year, artists, engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs, around themes of creation and innovation, at the border of arts, science and engineering. More information on the previous edition in this Boudoir Numérique paper about "La Fabrique du vivant", here.