What if the aesthetics of fashion photos in confinement, far from being a passing fad, settled in a more lasting way, despite their creative mediocrity?
Le Boudoir Numérique is a magazine, led by journalist Ludmilla Intravaia, which decrypts the impact of technology, innovation and digital on fashion and beauty
Screenshot of the Instagram account of Savage X Fenty lingerie brand, on May 13, 2020, immortalizing Rihanna for the Savage X Summer campaign (© Savage X Fenty by Rihanna)
Covid-19 – Be part of the DIY photoshoot of the Savage X Fenty by Rihanna summer campaign
Singer Rihanna has taken the pose for the confined shooting of her Savage X Summer lingerie campaign, to which she invites the members of her community to also participate at home.
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