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Covid-19 - The Fédération Française du Prêt à Porter Féminin is launching a Digital Amplification Plan

Illustration : © Lionel Samain for Le Boudoir Numérique 2020

This plan aims to support fashion brands in their digital transformation, to help them overcome the difficulties linked to the Coronavirus crisis.

By Ludmilla Intravaia

As recently explained to Le Boudoir Numérique by Morgan Bancel, co-founder of the support network for young fashion professionals French Fashion Union (read here) and Tony Pinville, CEO of the artificial intelligence company applied to fashion Heurtitech (read here), the fashion sector, and in particular emerging brands, were severely affected by the Covid-19 crisis, a situation which saw the development of a number of solidarity actions intended to help brands, in these perilous times (read here).

Among these, the Digital Amplification Plan (Plan d’Amplification Digitale or PAD), launched this week by The Fédération Française du Prêt à Porter Féminin aims to support fashion brands in their digital transformation, explains a Federation press release, mentioning a plan in two parts : "The first part is a direct subsidy to companies, with the support of DEFI, on one of the subjects such as subscription to a BtoB platform, digitization of collections, support in digital strategy (…) The second part is a pool of digital partners who, in response to the difficult context, have agreed to participate in a united effort to support the brands of the Federation with specific support and preferential conditions.”

* Applications, submitted to a selection committee, between June 1 and June 15, 2020. More info : international@pretaporter.com. Website of the Fédération Française du Prêt à Porter Féminin here.

* Continue reading on Le Boudoir Numérique with these following papers :

- "To help fashion brands decision-making  during the Covid-19 crisis"

- "Covid-19 - "Helping young fashion designers who don't fit in the box"