Le boudoir numérique

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"Startups are at the heart of the ReMode event"

A few hours before the opening of ReMode, showcasing two days of meetings, this Tuesday, in Los Angeles, its founder Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel tells more to Le Boudoir Numérique on this event dedicated "to the modernization of the industry of the fashion, through technology".

By Ludmilla Intravaia

Le Boudoir Numérique : Why did you decide to create the ReMode event?

Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel, founder of ReMode : The fashion industry is affected by many market changes that are, for the most part, the consequences of new behaviors brought about by the recent opportunities offered by technology. These changes in consumer behavior, as well as their changing expectations for fashion products, are forcing brands to adapt if they want to continue to do business. Already, many companies are successfully implementing the solutions of this positive transformation. We wanted to create an event where market players could discuss these solutions, a meeting place dedicated to the modernization of the fashion industry, through technology, from textile yarn to the final consumer. 

What will be the main trends dealt with during ReMode?

We will discuss two major questions of the moment: how to make a fashion business more sustainable (more respectful of the human being and the environment, in its production process, AN)? And how to grow it, being more direct in the distribution? That's why we chose to open our event on Tuesday morning with two conferences on Allbirds and Everlane (respectively, shoes and ready-to-wear brands, AN). These companies are quite representative of the trend of the moment : sustainable, transparent and direct-to-consumer (distribution model aimed at directly addressing the consumer, without going through a conventional retail chain, AN), they place the customer at the heart of their business.

How did you design the ReMode program?

First of all, you need to know that startups and technology companies are at the heart of our event, literally built around them. The conference rooms are articulated on the outskirts, around the stands of entrepreneurs, arranged in the center of the show. And entrepreneurs will come on stage. They will not be confined to their stands. Because we are convinced that they are the ones who bring solutions. Consumer trends, groundbreaking innovations, design, production, marketing, sales, financing ... in terms of the program, it will cover the entire value chain of fashion, not to mention an exhibition space to highlight innovative technologies and services. The idea is to get brands to think about new digital models that can lead to sustainable growth. To do this, all the experiences to be told, the technologies to show and the solutions to share are present in ReMode.

* ReMode is being held in Los Angeles from November 13-14, 2018. All conferences will be available, free of charge, live on the event website here.